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'''Sour Worting''' is a process in which [[Lactobacillus]] is given a "head start", pitched before the yeast so that it will be able to produce significant amounts of lactic acid before the saccharomyces completes the main fermentation.  There are several variations on this method, including souring in the primary fermenter, souring in a secondary vessel, or even souring in the boil kettle itself.  There are also various methods of inoculating the wort with Lactobacillus.  Finally, the brewer has the option of pasteurizing the wort by heating it to kill the Lactobacillus before adding the yeast for the main fermentation.  Many brewers prefer this process over [[Sour Mashing]] because it can be easier to control, and when implemented properly it produces a clean sour beer in a short amount of time.  The possibility of pasteurizing the soured wort also makes this a good method for making sour beers with a lot of residual malt sweetness (e.g. sour barley wines), and should also make it attractive to brewers who are concerned about infection issues in their cold side equipment (equipment that is used post-boil) <ref>[http://sourbeerblog.com/fast-souring-lactobacillus/ Miller, Matt.  Dec 20, 2014.  "Fast Souring with Lactobacillus – Best Practices, Sensory, & Science".  Sour Beer Blog.]</ref>.
#REDIRECT [[Wort_Souring]]
===Souring in the Boil Kettle===
Souring in the boil kettle is a simple process that is often used if the brewer wants to subsequently heat pasteurize the wort.  Pasteurizing the wort has the advantage of allowing the brewer to rack the pasteurized wort into a fermenter and pitch brewer's yeast without fear of an ongoing Lactobacillus infection in their post-boil equipment. 
The brewing process is the same for any all grain batch up until the first wort and sparge runnings are collected into the boil kettle.  The temperatures that a typical mash out/sparge reach should be enough to pasteurize the wort <ref name="pasteurization">[http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/cellular-microscopic/pasteurization4.htm Heat pasteurization]</ref>.  Once all of the wort is collected in the boil kettle, the wort is chilled to around 80-120°F (37-48°C), depending on the [[Lactobacillus]] culture that is being used.  Once chilled to the temperature that is appropriate, the wort in the kettle is inoculated with a culture of Lactobacillus.
There are various ways of inoculating the wort.  A reliable method is pitching a pure culture of Lactobacillus.  Alternatively, a handful of unmilled malted barley can be added to the kettle for inoculation instead of a pure culture, since the husks of grain carry many microorganisms.  If unmilled grain is added, it is recommended to fill the head space of the kettle with CO2 because oxygen can encourage off flavors such as rancid cheese from [[Butyric Acid]] and/or [[Isovaleric Acid]], which are produced by microbes that are naturally present on the grain.  Keeping the temperature between 113-120°F (45-48.8°C) will encourage the Lactobacillus resident on the grain and will discourage other bacteria.  Lowering the pH of the wort to under 4.5 will also discourage many other bacteria from thriving in the wort during the incubation period. 
If a pure culture of Lactobacillus bacteria is used it is ideal but not necessary to fill the head space of the fermenter with CO2 gas (some brewers have reported that this will help reduce sulfur in the finished beer).  The kettle should be held at the desired temperature for 24-72 hours (in some cases longer, but no longer than 5 days).  Depending on the strain of Lactobacillus, and the desired sour level, the time of incubation is ultimately a variable that is up to the brewer.  The kettle lid should be firmly in place and optionally sealed with plastic wrap so that other microorganisms do not get in.  Potential for formation of [[Butyric Acid]] and [[Isovaleric Acid]] when using only a pure culture is extremely slight to none assuming no other microbes are allowed inside the kettle. 
Once the level of acidity is reached (this can be tested with a reliable pH meter, or in the case of using a pure culture can safely be taste tested), the wort is brought to a boil.  ''Caution: the wort gravity may also be tested to check for alcohol presence.  Alcohol can be more easily boiled off since it boils at 173.1°F or 78.4°C <ref name="boiling_of_alcohol">[http://chemistry.about.com/od/moleculecompoundfacts/f/What-Is-The-Boiling-Point-Of-Alcohol.htm Boiling temperature of ethanol]</ref>.''  The wort may be boiled normally in the case of any style of beer that requires a longer boiling process, or it it may be boiled for no more than a minute or two in the case of making a [[Berliner Weissbier]].  Technically speaking, the wort doesn't need to be boiled at all, as long as it is heat pasteurized <ref name="pasteurization" />, so if alcohol is present then the brewer can choose to heat pasteurize the wort at 170°F (76.6°C) for 15 minutes.
Once the soured wort is heat pasteurized, it can be safely added to the primary fermenting vessel without worries of future infections.  The wort is aerated as normal, and brewer's yeast, or [[Brettanomyces]] yeast is then pitched into the wort as normal (usually brewer's yeast is used if infection of equipment is a concern).  At a pH of 3.4 or lower, the acidity of the wort can effect the fermentation of some strains of brewer's yeast <ref name="low ph">[http://www.homebrewtalk.com/f127/no-hop-berliner-weisse-415067/index3.html#post5280971 Michael Tonsmeire on HBT]</ref>.  It is recommended to pitch a healthy starter of yeast.  In the case of using dry yeast, re-hydrating as per the manufacturer's recommendations and using a yeast nutrient like Go-Ferm is recommended.
===Souring in the Primary Fermenter===
Wort can be soured in the primary fermenter before adding other yeasts.  This is generally a good approach for brewers who aren't concerned with pasteurization and infections of their cold side equipment.  This has the advantage of possibly producing a more complex sour beer overall, or at least a sour beer that will evolve over time.  It has the advantage over a more traditional [[Mixed Fermentation]] in that Lactobacillus is used to guarantee at least a certain level of sourness.  This is also a good process to use for making a [[Berliner Weissbier]].
The process is very similar to the sour worting technique, except the wort is never pasteurized after it is soured.  The all grain brewing process is the same for any all grain brewing process, except that after the boil the beer is only chilled to the recommended temperature for the Lactobacillus strain that the brewer is going to use.  Using grain husks for souring with this method is not advised since the grain will stay in the fermenter during primary fermentation, and unwanted microbes on the grain husks would potentially have a longer exposure to the wort.  Instead, the brewer should use a pure strain of [[Lactobacillus]].  As a result of not using grains to sour the wort, there is little concern of developing [[Butyric Acid]] or [[Isovaleric Acid]] with this method.  There is also the option of [[Mixed_Fermentation#Reusing_a_Sour_Yeast_Cake|using a sour yeast cake]] from another sour beer as the bacteria inoculation. 
Once cooled to the desired temperature (usually around 90-120°F or 32.2-48.8°C), the wort is racked to the primary fermenting vessel.  Note that the wort should contain a low amount of IBU's when using this process since IBU's can inhibit many (but not all) species of [[Lactobacillus]].  Less than 6 IBU's is a good guideline in general.  It may or may not be advised to create a Lactobacillus starter (see the [[Lactobacillus]] page) before hand.  Once the wort is racked to the primary fermenting vessel, the Lactobacillus culture is added directly to the fermenter.  No other yeasts are added at this time.  The Lactobacillus bacteria is allowed to incubate by itself in the wort for 2-5 days with the before mentioned target temperature maintained throughout the incubation period (some Lactobacillus species/strains may continue to produce acidity under lower temperatures).  The exact time frame of incubation depends on the species/strain of Lactobacillus, the manufacturer's recommendation, and the brewer's desired acidity level.  Acidity can safely be measured with a reliable pH Meter throughout this time.  If possible, it is advised that the brewer fill the head space of the fermenter with CO2.  Some brewers have reported that this helps to reduce sulfur production, but if Brettanomyces is added to the beer later on in the process and allowed to age, this shouldn't be a concern. 
After the desired acidity level is reached from the incubating Lactobacillus bacteria, the brewer can crash cool the fermenter down to the temperature that is desired for the primary fermenting yeast.  Both [[Saccharomyces]] and [[Brettanomyces]], or a blend can be used as primary fermenting yeast.  Brettanomyces is often chosen because of it's higher tolerance of a low pH environment (3.4- pH <ref name="low ph">[http://www.homebrewtalk.com/f127/no-hop-berliner-weisse-415067/index3.html#post5280971 Michael Tonsmeire on HBT]</ref>).  If the chosen yeast requires aeration and the brewer has the ability, the sour wort should be aerated before pitching yeast.  [[User:DanABA|DanABA]] has had good luck using Safale US-05 dry yeast in non-aerated wort; it is recommended that US-05 is re-hydrated in warm water with a re-hydrating yeast nutrient such as Go-Ferm <ref>[http://www.scottlab.com/product-102.aspx Go-Ferm]</ref>.  The wort is then fermented out as normal.  The brewer can consider other [[Brewing Methods]] such as pitching Brettanomyces, a mixed culture, or commercial sour beer dregs into secondary.
===Souring in Another Vessel Before Racking to the Primary Fermenter===
This process is very similar to sour worting in the kettle.  This method is ideal for those who wish to use grains to introduce Lactobacillus to the beer.  If done properly, the formation of [[Butyric Acid]] and [[Isovaleric Acid]] should be minimal. 
The wort is mashed and sparged as normal, and is then lowered to somewhere between 113-120°F (45-48.8°C).  This temperature favors Lactobacillus, while discouraging Enterobacteriaceae.  Optionally, the mash pH can be lowered to 4.5 with lactic acid or acidulated malt to further discourage Enterobacteriaceae activity.  Once the desired temperature (and optionally pH) is reached, a handful of fresh malted unmilled grain is added to the mash and allowed a few minutes to inoculate the mash with the microbes found naturally on the grain husks.  The wort is then transferred to a second vessel such as a glass carboy.  The vessel should be filled to the very top, minimizing the oxygen levels inside the vessel.  The vessel should be stored in a heated environment that maintains a temperature between 113-120°F (45-48.8°C) for 1 to 4 days depending on how much acidity the brewer wants (3 days is a good rule of thumb) <ref name="james_spencer">[http://beerandwinejournal.com/sour-wort-berliner/ Spencer, James.  December 15, 2014.  Beer and Wine Journal.] </ref>. 
Once the 1 to 4 day time period has been reached, the wort is transferred to the boil kettle and boiled as normal.  Boiling will kill all of the microorganisms in the wort, and will provide the option for adding hops and other kettle additions.  Just as with kettle souring, the wort doesn't have to be boiled, but can be instead heat pasteurized at 170°F (76.6°C) for 15 minutes <ref name="pasteurization" />.  ''Caution: the wort gravity may also be tested to check for alcohol presence.  Alcohol can be more easily boiled off since it boils at 173.1°F (78.37°C) <ref name="boiling_of_alcohol" />.''  Once boiled, the wort can be chilled and handled in the same way as the above methods for wort souring. 
[http://beerandwinejournal.com/sour-wort-berliner/ James Spencer provides an article] that fully explains his process, as well as a step by step video guide and tasting on Beer and Wine Journal <ref name="james_spencer" />.
===More Souring Worting Methods===
====Yogurt Souring====
[[File:Green_man_berliner.jpg|thumb|Green Man Brewery Blueberry Berliner Weisse made from a yogurt starter]]''Yogurt Souring'' refers to the method of souring wort using unpasteurized yogurt.  Greek yogurt is often made with ''Lactobacillus acidophilus'', a lactic acid producing bacteria that is also associated with some health benefits <ref>[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactobacillus_acidophilus Lactobacillus acidophilus Wikipedia page.  Retrieved 3/3/2015.]</ref>.  Using cultures of ''L. acidophilus'' from yogurt reportedly can make a 3.0-3.5 pH sour wort in 24 hours, without producing vomit/fecal flavors and aromas.  To sour 5 gallons of wort with yogurt, make a 1 liter batch of unhopped starter wort the day before brew day.  Add 2-4 teaspoons of live yogurt to the starter wort.  Maintain a 100-110°F (37.8-43.3°C) temperature for about 24 hours.  On brew day, and after the 24 hour sour starter is finished, mash and sparge a low IBU wort as normal, boil for a few minutes, and then chill the wort down to 100-110°F (37.8-43.3°C).  Pitch the yogurt starter into the wort, and hold the temperature as close to the 100-110°F (37.8-43.3°C) range as possible.  Bubbling CO2 through the wort is advised if possible to prevent potential off flavors, but is not required.  Within 24 hours, the wort should be down in the 3.x pH range.  Boil the wort, adding any hops that the recipe calls for, yeast nutrient, etc., and then cool the wort down to Saccharomyces pitching temperatures.  Bob's your uncle! <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1029598090401738/?comment_id=1030074730354074&offset=0&total_comments=25 Conversation with Mike Karnowski of Green Man Brewery on the MTF Facebook group.  3/3/2015.]</ref>
=====Brands of Yogurt=====
In general, non-fat Greek yogurt that is unpasteurized works best.  Brands of yogurt that have been reported to be successful with this method:
* Fage Yogurt <ref name="yogurt1">[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1022780907750123/ Mark Fry on the MTF Facebook group.  2/19/2015.]</ref>
* Greek Gods <ref name="yogurt1"></ref>
* Nancy's Yogurt <ref>[http://www.notsoprofessionalbeer.com/2013/09/brewing-with-yogurt.html?m=1 ''Brewing with Yogurt''.  The Not So Professional Beer Blog.  Retrieved 3/3/2015.]</ref>
=====External Articles=====
* [http://www.notsoprofessionalbeer.com/2013/09/brewing-with-yogurt.html?m=1 ''Brewing with Yogurt''.  The Not So Professional Beer Blog.]
====Culturing Lactobacillus From Grains====
[[File:Sourgrains.jpg|thumb|100px|Derek Springer's grain starter]] If the brewer wants to use the LAB found naturally on the husks of grains, and doesn't want to risk pitching grains into the entire batch of wort, a starter culture can be made.  The benefit of this is that if the culture contains flavors of butyric acid or other off flavors, it can be thrown away and tried again.  The following is [http://www.fivebladesbrewing.com/lactobacillus-starter-guide/ Derek Springer's grain starter process] <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1050331444995069/?comment_id=1050399004988313&offset=0&total_comments=18&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R9%22%7D Conversation with Derek Springer on Milk The Funk.  4/4/2015.]</ref>:
# In a 2L flask make a standard starter wort (1.040 OG).
# Add 1/2 tsp 88% lactic acid (should get pH down < 4.5).
# Add 2 cups uncrushed malt (using acidulated malt is not required).
# Top off with carbonated water.
# Cap with an airlock.
# Keep as warm as you can for 2-3 days, ~110°F is best.
# After 2-3 days, strain the grains out using a colander.  Pitch the entire starter into the wort using one of the above discussed methods.
====Culturing from Probiotics====
Some commercial probiotics have been successfully used to produce Lactobacillus cultures.  As a general rule of thumb, it should be noted that these probiotics may not be as free of contaminates as pure cultures from brewing industry yeast labs.  The following probiotics are examples of brands, methods, and results that MTF members have had <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1075891152439098/ Conversation on MTF about using Probiotics.  5/22/2015.]</ref>.  Dried forms of Lactobacillus should be stored refrigerated because viability has been seen to decrease as much as 80x when stored at room temperatures <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1067614393266774/ Conversation with Bryan Heit on Milk The Funk.  05/04/2015.]</ref>.
* [http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BZ3YWXC/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Swanson Probiotics L. planatarum], reported by Ed Coffey.  3 capsules were used in 750ml of a DME starter wort, plus yeast nutrients for 24 hours at 90°F.  The starter was pitched into 3 gallons of Gose wort. 72 hours of Lacto only ferment at 95°F resulted in a 3.31pH. No gravity reading taken. 
* Dan Graston also used the Swanson Probiotics: 1 capsule in 1 quart of canned starter wort (1.039, 4.44pH, not DME) at 90°F. Starter pH barely dropped for first 24 hours because the Lacto powder just sank to the bottom and never went into suspension, which was unexpected. After rousing, the pH dropped to 3.23 over the next 36 hours. No drop in gravity. Test starter, so no beer was produced.
* [http://www.lactogg.com/ LactoGG], reported by Allen Stone.  2 capsules were used in 1 liter of 1.030 wort, and held in high 90°F's for 72 hours before stepping up to 5 liters and pitched after another 7 days. The powder from the capsules fell to the bottom of the starter initially and needed rousing before it started fermenting.

Latest revision as of 16:56, 12 August 2016

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