,updated Browne and Bitter links to Archive.org
Historically the term bière de coupage (biere de coupage) referred to any blended beer, including beers containing sugar syrups, tartaric acid, or vinegar. In the best case it referred to blends of an older, perhaps sour beer, and a fresh beer to achieve a balance in flavors, or to improve head retention and aid in carbonation. The term has been applied to the various blending methods of lambic, specifically lambic and [http://horscategoriebrewing.blogspot.ca/2015/11/biere-de-mars-lambic-version-and-lambic.html ''Bière de Mars'' (Biere de Mars], as well as to [[Flanders_Red_Ale|Flanders red]] and [[Oud_Bruin|brown]] ales, and [http://www.browneandbitter.com/2014/07/brew-day-nineteenth-century-keeping.html 18th/19th century porters] <ref>[http://www.browneandbitter.com/2016/02/biere-de-coupage-some-background-and.html Bière de Coupage: Some Background and History, by Amos Browne]</ref>. Recently the phrase 'bière de coupage' has been used to refer specifically to the blending of an older sour beer with a younger saison. Examples include [http://jesterkingbrewery.com/beers/#beers_185 Jester King's "Das Wunderkind!"] and [http://jesterkingbrewery.com/introducing-salt-lick-pecan-wood-smoked-saison Salt Lick Pecan Wood Smoked Saison], [http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/paradox-beer-shoga-kosho-biere-de-coupage-farmhouse-ale/263795/ Paradox Beer Company's "Shoga Kosho Biere de Coupage Farmhouse Ale"].
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20171217112400/http://www.browneandbitter.com/2016/02/biere-de-coupage-some-background-and.html "Bière de Coupage: Some Background and History," by Amos Browne.]* [https://web.archive.org/web/20170320033534/http://www.browneandbitter.com/2016/05/biere-de-coupage-contemporary-versions.html "Bière de Coupage: Contemporary Versions," by Amos Browne.]* [https://web.archive.org/web/20170320233521/http://www.browneandbitter.com/2016/05/biere-de-coupage-kettle-sours.html "Bière de Coupage: Kettle Sours", by Amos Browne.]
* [http://www.horscategoriebrewing.com/2018/11/saison-from-1911-finishing-hops-and.html "Saison from 1911 - finishing hops and coupage," by Dave Janssen.]