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93 bytes added, 12:22, 1 October 2015
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A spontaneously fermented unblended ale that is indigenous to the Senne Valley of Belgium, . Lambics traditionally use a large portion percentage of unmalted wheat brings out the crispness though the and [[Turbid Mash|turbid mashing]], a labor-intensive mashing process to retain a high level of dextrins which are unfermentable to normal brewing yeast. The flavor is dominated with a unique tartness and brettanomyces character from the wild yeast and bacteria that inoculate the brew . These microbes are sourced from both airborne the ambient environment when the beer is open cooled and tainted from the barrels that they in which lambics typically ferment in. Light bodied with little hop flavor or bitterness. Look for hard cider, white wine or similar tartness. Lambics are aged before consumption to ensure that the tartness has mellowed.
Average alcohol by volume (abv) range: 35.0-68.0%

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