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Need info on hops and how they pertain to alternate brewing methods, yeasts, and bacterium

Potential references (https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1190513557643523/?qa_ref=qd&comment_id=1195663997128479&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D):

  1. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/j.2050-0416.1970.tb03259.x/abstract
  2. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25475328
  3. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jib.40/full
  4. Kowaka, K., et al. "true value of aroma hops in brewing." Proceedings of the congress-European Brewery Convention. 1983.
  5. http://www.asbcnet.org/publications/journal/vol/abstracts/43-25.htm
  6. https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1228610483833830/
  7. https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1234538973240981/

Aged Hops

Aging hops leads to oxidation of acids and oils. Generally brewers seek to avoid this to preserve the aromatic and bittering properties of their hops; however some beer styles make extensive use of aged hops. Aged hops still retain some antimicrobial properties and can be used for microbial inhibition. In addition to their antimicrobial activity aged hops contribute important flavor and aroma compounds and precursors to beer, including bitterness from oxidized alpha and beta acids.


Aged Hops in Lambic

Modern lambic traditionally uses aged hops at a moderate rate to help limit and select for microbes and regulate acid production. Modern Lambic brewers cite rates in the range of roughly 450 grams of hops per Hl of finished beer [1] (~43 min in) (see also the notes pertaining hopping rates on the Cantillon page), with some brewers possibly going above this range.


Historic hopping in lambic and other mixed-fermentation beer

While modern lambic uses aged hops almost exclusively, it was common for historic lambic to blend both aged and fresh hops[2]. The exact ratio of fresh to aged hops changed over time and could vary depending on the harvest (poor hop years may have relied more heavily on aged hops while years of good harvests would make more use hops of the recent harvest). In addition to the difference in hop age between modern and historic lambic, hopping rates also differ significantly between modern and aged hops. It is important to note that the quality of these hops are certainly different from modern hops, and that hop origin could have a significant influence on suggested hopping rates [3] (see the hopping rate table and notes regarding hop origin conversion factors from historical texts). While hop quality would have improved moving to the modern day while hopping rates were dropping, there is mention in historic lambic literature of lambic in the late 1800s being more bitter than lambic from the mid 1900s (and, subsequently, similar to historic saison in the increased hop presence in a mixed-fermentation beer)[2]

Historical documents dealing with Belgian brewing show a steady progression from high doses of fresh hops in lambic to the sort of hop composition and origin that are in use today. In 1851 Lacambre mentions rates for Belgian hops of 760-860 g/Hl and specifically highlights the use of young hops. Belgian brewing scientist Henri Van Laer recommended a hopping rate of 700-800 g/Hl in 1890, roughly in agreement with Lacambre though slightly lower. In the early 1900s, citing information from 1896, Le Petit Journal du Brasseur mentions a hopping rate of 540 g/Hl using a mix of Belgian and Bavarian hops and a split of 2/3 young, 1/3 old in good years (and 50/50 in bad years). In 1928 Le Petit Journal du Brasseur recommends a larger proportion of aged hops (2/3 aged, 1/3 fresh) and rates of 600g/Hl of Belgian hops[2]. Considering the difference in strength in German and Belgian hops[3], this fits with a stable or decreasing hopping rate from that given in the early 1900s. In 1937 exclusive use of aged hops is recommended, though as noted in 1946, year old hops may be preferable to hops that were aged longer in poor conditions[2]. Also in the 1940s Le Petit Journal du Brasseur recommends hopping rates of 400-500 g/Hl, roughly in agrement with modern times, and notes that the lambic of this time was softer than historic lambic[2].

--Give some discussion of hopping saison and bieres de garde. See hopping grisette table

Aged Hop Suppliers

Glycosides and Brettanomyces

Hops contain glycosides, which are flavor compounds that are bound to a sugar molecule. In their bound form, glycosides are flavorless. Enzymatic activity from some strains of Brettanomyces can release these bound compounds and release their flavor and aromatic potential. See the Brettanomyces page for details.

Antimicrobial Properties


Dry Hopping

See Also

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