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This FAQ will be used to assist brewers in getting past first timer questions and over initial hurdles of brewing with bacterium and alternative yeast cultures. Please review this from time-to-time because it will be updated as often as necessary.

Quick Q&A

I have a question

Q. I am new and want to learn more, or have a question.

A: This wiki is a good place to search for answers, but you should also try to look up the answer to your question in the book "American Sour Beers" by Michael Tonsmeire. Many answers can be found there. If it is not, post your question in Milk The Funk!

How long does a pellicle take to form

Q: How long does a pellicle take to form?

A: There are many variables and there is no one. It's all about the yeast and bacteria involved, o2 exposure, and time. Depending on all this, you may also never see a pellicle form. In the end, a pellicle only means there has been some exposure to an unknown amount of oxygen. Otherwise, pellicles have little meaning. See pellicle for more information.

Why did my Lacto beer not sour

Q: My lactobacillus based beer did not turn out sour or even the least bit tart. Why?

A: The biggest factor leading to lack of souring while using lacto is due to the amount of hops in your recipe. Even as much as 2-3 ibu's will inhibit lactic acid production. Try brewing or kettle souring with no hops.

Why did my Roeselare beer not sour

Q: I used Roeselare (or some other commercial mixed culture) and it did not sour yet. What do I do?

A: Sometimes Roeselare and other mixed cultures don't get the acidity that you might want. If it hasn't been a year yet, waiting longer may help, but sometimes it doesn't. If after a year the acidity is not high enough for you, try adding fruit such as cherries or raspberries. The fruit has citric acid in it, and the sugar content will partially be turned into lactic acid by the surviving bacteria (the brewer's yeast will be dead after a year). Brewing with no hops and a very high mash temperature (158°F-160°F) is highly recommended for next time. For more information, see Mixed Cultures and Mixed Fermentation.

Alternative Bacteria sources (yogurt, probiotics, etc.)

Q: Will this bacteria source work? Has anyone tried souring a beer with this?

A: Check out Alternative Bacteria Sources for a list of what some members have tried so far and their experiences.

What temperature do I kettle sour at

Q: I am making a kettle sour beer. What temperature do I hold at for my bacteria?

A: It depends on your Lactobacillus. Check out our recommendations on the Lacto Culture Chart. The Sour Worting page may also be helpful.

I want to brew a _____

Kettle Sour

We have two great pages that help you brew your first kettle sour. See the Sour Worting page, and the Lacto Culture Charts!


So, you're looking to brew a Gose (Gose-uh)? A Gose has become a favorite first time tart beer to brew. The dominant flavors in Gose include a lemon tartness, a herbal characteristic from coriander, and saltiness (the result of either local water sources or added salt). Gose beers typically do not have prominent hop bitterness, flavors, or aroma. The beers typically have a moderate alcohol content of 4 to 5% ABV. Our Milk The Funk Gose is a great place to start.