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Floor Corker

408 bytes added, 22:01, 30 March 2015
added the Grifo
* Italian (Ferrari) Floor Corker (high end route) - The Italian Floor Corker is the Cadillac of corkers. This corker is very similar to the Portuguese corker, but with some upgrades. It is equipped with a brass iris compression fitting instead of plastic. A long handle gives you plenty of leverage and the corks go in effortlessly. This corker is very easy to use, and will last any hobby vintner a lifetime <ref>[ Midwest Supplies. Retrieved 3/27/2015.]</ref>.
[[File:Italian-floor-corker.jpg.png|frameless|Italian (Ferrari) Floor Corker]]
* [ Grifo Corker Jaws] - Recommended by Chris Stewart <ref>[ Conversation with Chris Stewart on Milk The funk. 03/27/2015.]</ref>
[[File:Corker jaws.png|frameless|Grifo Corker Jaws - TG]]

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